Solvent and Vapour-recovery Condensers
Recovering valuable process vapours and protecting the environment through the reduction of VOC-emissions is the duty of Vahterus Plate & Shell solvent condensers. ‘Solvent condenser’ is the name used for this unit in the pharmaceutical and specialty chemical market. In other industries they are called ‘liquefiers’, ‘vapour-recovery condensers’ or ‘head condensers’. Typically, low-pressure vapours with non-condensable gases are condensed at the reactor head, in smaller pharmaceutical plants in batch processes, and in larger chemical plants or refineries or bioethanol plants in continuous processes. In Vahterus Plate & Shell solvent condensers the non-condensable gases can be separated from the condensate. Depending on the condensing rate and temperatures, Vahterus can offer different models to meet your vapour-recovery requirements. (It is also well worth considering the possibility of utilising the heat of your process vapours for process heating or steam generation.)
- Safety
- Durability
- Liquid-gas separation
- Free draining of the product on the shell side
- Compact size / small liquid hold-up volume
- Economical use of special materials
Reference cases

Global Challenges Drive Innovation at Pannonia Bio’s Ethanol Plant
Pannonia Bio's ethanol plant not only leads in green innovation but exemplifies collaborative success. Since 2012, the company has grown into Europe's...

How Fermion Discovered Vahterus: 18 Years, 43 Plate & Shell Heat Exchangers
A member of the Orion Group, Fermion is a Finnish manufacturer and developer of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) for Orion and other...
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