Current Impact of Coronavirus on Vahterus

Dear Partner,
The start of the year 2020 has been very busy for Vahterus. Last year, our growth was over 30%. Thanks to you, our order books are promising similar growth in 2020. Our manufacturing processes are developing to higher and higher standards in order to fulfill your needs.
Current Impact of Coronavirus on Vahterus
Currently, none of our 350 employees is affected by the virus, including in our Chinese factory.
Our Finnish factory is operating in two shifts at full capacity. For safety reasons, some of our staff in the engineering and sales departments are working from home. All business and personal traveling is limited for the time being and visitors will only be allowed to come to Vahterus if it is strictly necessary for business. This will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
For your information, in Finland 277 people have been diagnosed with the corona infection to date, with no fatalities.
We’re monitoring hour by hour how the virus will affect Vahterus and our customers. There’s some risk that delivery of materials from Europe will be delayed, but for the moment, everything is running as normal.
We’ll be sure to keep you, our valued partners, updated as to how, if at all, the coronavirus will affect your business with Vahterus.
Mauri Kontu
Managing Director
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