Motivated by Teamwork and Seeing the Bigger Picture
Tobias Häggblom works as a Business Director responsible for our Energy team. In his daily work, he enjoys rising to a challenge instead of giving up and finds meaning in working for a company with sound values.

What’s your role at Vahterus?
I started in 2006 as a Sales Engineer, then became a Key Account Manager in 2008 and a Sales Manager in 2012. Since 2014, I’ve led our Energy team.
What do you like best about your job?
I like the mixture of technical challenges, sales and management. We have a great team of people.
How is your typical day at work?
The days vary greatly. One day can be an office day, working with heat-transfer solutions. The next day I might be travelling to the other side of the globe and working with our clients to find the best solutions for them.
When do you feel you’ve succeeded in your work?
In a sales environment, hitting the budget is of course your main target. It’s always great when the whole team can celebrate work well done. It’s also rewarding when you’re able find good solutions to challenges.
What kind of situations bring out your best qualities?
I rarely give up. I like to take on a challenge, and I like the reward when it’s overcome.
What do you consider Vahterus’ most important value?
Sustainability. It’s embedded in the business and the product, which is designed to last for decades.
If you weren’t at Vahterus, what would you be doing?
Engineering has always been my passion and choosing what to study was never difficult. I graduated Master of Science in Technology from Åbo Academi University. If my job wasn’t related to engineering, I’d probably be working with something sales-related.
How do you spend your time outside work?
I have three kids aged eight to ten, so coming up with ways to pass the time is never an issue. If there is extra time, I like to do things with my hands, like DIY projects, or golf or fishing. I used to do cross-country skiing but had to change to mountain-biking due to the poor winter conditions.
In the midst of everyday life, what delights you?
Spending time with my family. It gives a great balance when you come home after a stressful day at work.
What have you found positive about the experience of the coronavirus crisis?
I’m impressed by how well remote teaching works now that the Finnish schools are closed. My wife is a teacher, and she’s currently doing several video conferences a day. Applications such as WhatsApp and Teams are making it all possible. I’ve also been really impressed by how well the kids work independently with their school tasks.
Which new skill would you like to learn?
A new language – Spanish, for example. I’ve read the basics, but it would be nice to speak it fluently.
Which of your co-workers would you like to praise?
I have to mention the entire Energy team. We have a really good mixture of people working very well together towards a common goal.

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